We are so proud to announce that thanks to YOUR votes, Fab
Fete Event Planning Boutique has won a Top Choice Award for the Top Wedding
Planners of 2016! We are so honoured and thrilled to have won this award. We
would like to thank everyone who voted for Fab Fete Event Planning Boutique, as
we could not have done it without your votes!
We pride ourselves in being the best in the industry,
through our hard work and dedication. Everyone at Fab Fete Event Planning
Boutique gives their all to every single event, no matter how big or small. Our clients and events are our top priority
and it feels amazing that our commitment and enthusiasm has been recognized by
our clients and peers. Thank you again for all of your support!
For more information on the Top Choice Awards, please visit
their website: http://topchoiceawards.com/